

In the Gran Chaco, productive development is inherently linked to the conservation and valorization of native forests. Due to climatic characteristics such as high temperatures and water scarcity, the forest plays a crucial role in the development of local ecosystems, providing inputs and resources for all productive activities in the region. A better state and conservation of the native forest also serve as the primary safeguard against the effects of climate change by reducing food shortages caused by droughts and mitigating floods.

Traditional Chaco agriculture has historically depended on water availability, focusing on small areas during the summer rainy season. Consequently, the primary limitation for its growth and scaling lies in water availability. Various strategies are being developed to enhance water access and expand food production for the local market.


How do we do it?
The strategy involves reforesting and enriching the forest with native species, particularly carob trees, by developing management plans that aim at the comprehensive utilization of local resources. Based on community knowledge and market opportunities, a combination of forest cover and crop systems is implemented. This creates agroforestry modules where crops facilitate the growth of carob trees or other fruit trees, maintaining better soil coverage, and benefiting agricultural production through tree cover. This format originates from the experience of indigenous communities that have always combined the two productions, and it develops and scales with the input of agronomic and forestry specialists from the region. Central to this approach are exchanges of experiences with Brazil, especially with the semi-arid region that shares similarities with the Chaco and has developed larger-scale experiences. Production is enhanced with the installation of water cisterns, coupled with strengthening local organizations with tractors for dam construction and rainwater harvesting strategies.


The scope of work in numbers

hectares of native forest reforestation with carob trees
organizations formed by 420 producers
trinational participation and coordination networks
associations comprising 230 carob tree foresters
Installation of 1000 water cisterns in communities


Tools for each program


Systematizations documented in publications

Participación de las mujeres en las cadenas productivas del Gran Chaco Argentino

Análisis de las barreras, potencialidades y recomendaciones para el desarrollo de ecosistemas productivos, con la digitalización como estrategia transversal para contribuir al impulso de los territorios.

Haciendo escuela en el Gran Chaco argentino

Una reflexión de Fabiana Menna sobre la educación de los pueblos indígenas y la experiencia de Fundación Gran Chaco. El reto de impulsar un sistema educativo que valorice la diversidad cultural, cree oportunidades de trabajo y potencie la diversidad de voces.

Conocimientos indígenas y locales. Evaluaciones de la biodiversidad

Plataforma Intergubernamental Científico-Normativa sobre la Diversidad Biológica y los servicios de los ecosistemas y el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica. Un trabajo realizado en conjunto con la UNESCO

Manual de orientación profesional en experiencias asociativas

El presente documento surge de la articulación entre La Fundación Gran Chaco y el Ministerio de Trabajo, Seguridad y Empleo de la Nación. Un aporte para revertir la marginalidad en la que viven las comunidades de la región y lograr su desarrollo endógeno.


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