The production of crafts, primarily textiles, represents a fundamental source of income in most indigenous communities in the Gran Chaco. Despite its significance in the family economy, it has historically been overlooked as a productive sector with limited investments in technological innovation and market development, leading to the establishment of informal, low-income circuits.On the other hand, there is a growing demand both nationally and internationally for sustainable products with social impact that recognize the cultural value of these productions. Additionally, through the organization of crafts, indigenous and peasant women in the Gran Chaco step out of the domestic sphere and participate in spaces where they exchange experiences, receive training, and learn to value their knowledge, thus boosting their self-esteem. In this way, they achieve economic autonomy by implementing a sustainable and respectful activity in harmony with the environment. The formation of these associative spaces through the development of craft activities also propels the political participation of women in decision-making spaces.
- Position crafts as an innovative, profitable activity with export potential and income-generating capacity for rural and indigenous women in the country.
- Enhance the production of crafts by innovating in the supply chain through the valorization of local techniques.
- Improve the organization and management capacity of craftswomen's organizations.
- Enhance marketing strategies, reaching new national and international markets.
How do we do it?
Our intervention approach focuses on simultaneously promoting the organization of women, improving the quality of their products, and establishing a marketing system to guide production. These objectives are developed concurrently with continuous training for craftswomen in areas related to handicraft production (weaving, design, dyeing, incorporation of new technologies in production) and in other areas related to organizational, administrative, financial, and management tasks inherent to associations, as well as conflict resolution. It is a system where pre-established models are not imposed; instead, the goal is to create an organization based on the social, economic, and gender structure of indigenous society: the extended family.
The scope of work in numbers
women artisan organizations
women participating in associative spaces
international awards for craftsmanship excellence
The largest network of women artisans in Argentina
Establishment of a Business Network Ecosystem:
Tools for each program
2023 – 2024
2021 – 2023
Systematizations documented in publications
El proceso de organización de las mujeres Wichi para conocer todos los caminos del monte
Un análisis del proceso organizativo innovador de las mujeres wichí basado en la producción artesanal, logrando impacto comunitario y regional. La artesanía como herramienta clave para la autonomía económica y la creación de políticas públicas con perspectiva de género e interseccional.
Participación de las mujeres en las cadenas productivas del Gran Chaco Argentino
Análisis de las barreras, potencialidades y recomendaciones para el desarrollo de ecosistemas productivos, con la digitalización como estrategia transversal para contribuir al impulso de los territorios.
Red de facilitadoras territoriales jurídicas indígenas II
Segunda parte de la experiencia de fortalecimiento de la accesibilidad a servicios de justicia y atención por parte de mujeres indígenas y rurales en situación de violencia de género.
Red de facilitadoras territoriales jurídicas indígenas
La experiencia de fortalecimiento de la accesibilidad a servicios de justicia y atención por parte de mujeres indígenas y rurales en situación de violencia basada en género en Salta.
Testimonials from the wilderness
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