Our history
Milestone moments
The beginning
(2000 - 2003)
The methodology
(2003 - 2005)
The design
(2005 - 2009)
We started working intensively with both women and men in the communities on the management of the native forest through a carob reforestation program. In this way, we consolidated a comprehensive model for territorial intervention with an intercultural and gender perspective.
The network
Bringing the organizational methodology to other provinces, the network El Futuro Está En El Monte was consolidated and new partners joined: communities, provincial governments and other private society organizations and businesses.
With Samsung Argentina we started working on e-inclusion by developing connectivity centers in the communities. Through ICT strategic appropriation we enhanced the regional economic activities.
Climate change
Through the Gran Chaco Proadapt initiative we promote the strengthening of adaptation capacity and climate resilience of communities. Under the leadership of women, a trinational early warning system (Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay) was established.
National and international Networks
Gran Chaco women promote the creation of advocacy spaces such as Red de Mujeres Rurales, and they participate in national and international spaces such as Women20 – a group working in gender matters in the G20. They start to actively participate in decision making spaces in the global agenda.
Chaco Innovates
A través del proyecto Nanum Mujeres conectadas, financiado por el Laboratorio de Innovación del Grupo BID, se incorporan nuevos actores como Microsoft a la iniciativa de inclusión digital con el propósito de conectar a 40 comunidades rurales indígenas y criollas del Gran Chaco Americano, y alcanzar al menos 5.000 conexiones de internet domiciliario.
Cluster Scaling
As part of the Impacto Verde project, a new phase is initiated to raise awareness of the Gran Chaco and to scale up the local clusters, establishing connections with business platforms that enhance the clusters and promote their national and international expansion.