Our Mission
What do we aim for?
To enhance the development and improvement of the environment, peoples, communities, and individuals in the Gran Chaco Americano by strengthening local organizations, promoting arts and productive activities within a social and environmental economy, valuing diversity, with a special emphasis on the empowerment of young people and women in all aspects.
Where are we headed?
To be a leading organization in developing proposals, innovations, and solutions for the socio-environmental sustainability of the Gran Chaco, adding value to traditional productions of the Chaco mounts, cultivating and legitimizing local knowledge for scalability.
How do we work?
To encourage organizational processes that contribute to improving the living conditions of the populations in the Gran Chaco, we implement innovative, network-based work methodologies, grounded in a deep understanding of local reality and oriented towards self-development. We support productive activities that, while protecting the environment, represent real options and generate continuous income by reinforcing traditional activities such as crafts, beekeeping, agroforestry, and livestock.
Ejes Productivos
We are committed to the
Sustainable Development Goals
We contribute to the 2030 Agenda for SSustainable Development Goals, an action plan that aims to improve people’s lives, protect the planet and promote prosperity. Our particular focus is on building networks to promote gender equality, eradicate poverty, drive innovation, restore the environment and support sustainable development.