Livestock Farming

Cattle and goat farming in the Gran Chaco region have a significant influence on the local economy with a strong Creole presence. With the majority of women responsible for this task, livestock farming is crucial for ensuring food security and family subsistence. Additionally, an increasing number of indigenous communities are engaging in livestock farming, primarily with smaller-scale operations. Currently, most indigenous women have herds of goats, sheep, and pigs.

Livestock farming practices vary, ranging from traditional extensive and transhumant production based on pastoralism to more advanced experiences in both cattle and goat farming. Advanced practices involve improvements in management, infrastructure, genetics, and health. These experiences, found in Formosa, Salta, and Chaco, serve as a starting point for scaling the chain by emphasizing the lessons learned from a «Chaco» model of regenerative and sustainable livestock farming combined with native forests.

The strengthening of this sector is crucial for the sustainability of life in the Chaco communities.


How do we do it?

Through training and technical assistance, we aim to stimulate the development of new skills for production management and innovation within the productive sector. The strategy applied in the development of this program area is based on the installation of Intensive Production Modules (IPM), covering approximately 10% of the land. These modules are enclosed, equipped with water solutions, and include the planting of carob trees (a source of food for livestock and a soil productivity restorer) and pastures.


At the community level, infrastructure is facilitated for livestock gathering for associative marketing, as well as equipment and devices for livestock traceability management. The organization is strengthened, and business plans and revolving funds for the pre-financing of sales are developed.


The scope of work in numbers

Over 400 producers involved in innovation processes for climate adaptation
+ 0
Formation of 14 producer organizations
Establishment of 3 international participation and coordination networks
Collaboration with 9 institutions to generate cross-border innovation
Establishment of 15 pilot sites to validate and disseminate resilient practices


Tools for each program


Systematizations documented in publications

Participación de las mujeres en las cadenas productivas del Gran Chaco Argentino

Análisis de las barreras, potencialidades y recomendaciones para el desarrollo de ecosistemas productivos, con la digitalización como estrategia transversal para contribuir al impulso de los territorios.

Haciendo escuela en el Gran Chaco argentino

Una reflexión de Fabiana Menna sobre la educación de los pueblos indígenas y la experiencia de Fundación Gran Chaco. El reto de impulsar un sistema educativo que valorice la diversidad cultural, cree oportunidades de trabajo y potencie la diversidad de voces.

Conocimientos indígenas y locales. Evaluaciones de la biodiversidad

Plataforma Intergubernamental Científico-Normativa sobre la Diversidad Biológica y los servicios de los ecosistemas y el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica. Un trabajo realizado en conjunto con la UNESCO

Manual de orientación profesional en experiencias asociativas

El presente documento surge de la articulación entre La Fundación Gran Chaco y el Ministerio de Trabajo, Seguridad y Empleo de la Nación. Un aporte para revertir la marginalidad en la que viven las comunidades de la región y lograr su desarrollo endógeno.


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